| Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Compendium
The Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Compendium is also available electronically for network licensing. For more information about acquiring a network license, please contact the DRI Customer Service Department at 312.795.1101 or custservice@dri.org
DRI’s Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Compendium surveys the law on insurance claim practices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It is a comprehensive resource and an indispensable tool for insurance carriers, claim representatives, and insurance defense and coverage counsel. Each chapter focuses on approximately 14 insurance practices and 9 timing issues, accompanied by references to applicable statutes or administrative code provision. Each chapter also identifies other statutes or administrative codes pertinent to unfair claims settlement practices. In addition, the authors have provided practice tips for each state.
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Non-Member price: 220.00 Discounted member price: 145.00
| 2018-01D |
 | The Law of Life Insurance: Key Issues in Each State
The Law of Life Insurance: Key Issues in Each State is also available electronically for network licensing. For more information about acquiring a network license, please contact the DRI Customer Service Department at 312.795.1101 or Email Customer Service.
The Law of Life Insurance: Key Issues in Each State is intended to provide life insurance companies and attorneys with an overview of the law of each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia regarding life insurance claims. Each state chapter addresses how state common law and statutes address the law of life insurance claims, including formation of a life insurance contract, maintenance of a life insurance policy, changes in the beneficiary, payment of life claims, contested life insurance claims, material misrepresentations in the application, and defenses. The authors and editors are experienced attorneys who have practiced in this area of the law for years. This book will be a useful tool for any practitioner, whether representing an insurer, a beneficiary, an insured, or in-house counsel.
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Non-Member price: 260.00 Discounted member price: 175.00
| 2017-03D |
 | The Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage Compendium
The Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage Compendium - Print
The Uninsured Motorist and Underinsured Motorist Coverage Compendium is also available electronically for network licensing. For more information about acquiring a network license, please contact the DRI Customer Service Department at 312.795.1101 or custservice@dri.org.
The latest product of the DRI Insurance Law Committee is the updated Uninsured Motorist and Underinsured Motorist Coverage Compendium. The compendium surveys the law of each state and the District of Columbia to provide insurance carriers and insurance defense counsel with an essential reference to the complex issues that arise in this area of insurance law. Each state author is an attorney with significant experience in the defense of UM/UIM claims. The survey of the law of each state is arranged in a lucid question and answer format. Among the topics surveyed in the compendium: Is UM/UIM coverage mandatory or discretionary? Must UM/UIM coverage match liability limits? Under what circumstances is UM/UIM coverage available? What conditions precedent must the insured satisfy? What coverage defenses can the insurer assert? Is arbitration of UM/UIM claims allowed, or specifically prohibited? Can offsets against the UM, UIM, UMPD, UEO or other uninsured coverage limits be taken? Are there particular UM/UM issues unique and/or specific to your state?
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Non-Member price: 220.00 Discounted member price: 145.00
| 2016-03D |
 | Duty to Defend Compendium
Duty to Defend Compendium - Print
New Edition! Whether an insurer has a duty to defend its insured and the extent of that duty is typically the most important question faced by a liability insurer when presented with a new claim. And the answer to that question is often multi-faceted, jurisdiction dependent, and regularly generates second and even third tier questions that also must be answered by the insurer. This compendium surveys the law and provides an analytical guide for insurance professionals to navigate through these issues under the law of every jurisdiction in the United States, Canada, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Researched and written by experts in the field, this compendium is an outstanding resource for insurers and practitioners alike.
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Non-Member price: 220.00 Discounted member price: 145.00
| 2016-01D |
 | Insurance Bad Faith: A Compendium of State Law
Insurance Bad Faith:
A Compendium of State Law - Print
As bad faith claims and the governing law has become more nuanced and complicated, the authors and editors of DRI’s Insurance Bad Faith: A Compendium of State Law have been in the trenches defending those claims. This fourth edition delves deeply into the procedural, technical, and legal principles, both statutory and common law, that undergird bad faith and other extra-contractual claims. For every U.S. jurisdiction (including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands), as well as Canada, the compendium details the cognizable causes of action, allowable damages, and means by which they will be measured; the elements of proof on all issues of liability and damages; procedural and evidentiary requirements; recognized defenses and counterclaims; and unique bad faith and extra-contractual issues in each jurisdiction. The compendium will be a valuable resource that you will consult whenever you are faced with a threat of bad faith litigation.
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Non-Member price: 220.00 Discounted member price: 145.00
| 2015-06D |
 | Coverage B: Personal and Advertising Injury Compendium
Coverage B: Personal and Advertising Injury Compendium - Print
The scope of personal and advertising injury coverage has been hotly litigated since the introduction of Coverage B in CGL policies. Current advances in technology are spawning new claims, including breach of privacy, while the policyholders' bar is constantly seeking to reinstate coverage for intellectual property claims-all giving rise to the issue of availability of personal and advertising injury coverage. The DRI Insurance Law Committee's Coverage B: Personal and Advertising Injury Compendium provides a comprehensive review of issues, from their origins to those emerging issues that impact the scope and reach of this coverage part.
Non-Member price: 265.00 Discounted member price: 235.00
| 2014-01D |
 | Writing a Reservation of Rights: A North American Compendium
Writing a Reservation of Rights: A North American Compendium
Writing a reservation of rights letter, especially in a state whose law is unfamiliar, can be among the most difficult tasks insurers and coverage counsel face - especially with a policyholders' bar waiting to seize on any lack of compliance with applicable law. The DRI Insurance Law Committee's Writing a Reservation of Rights: A North American Compendium, provides a comprehensive guide to writing reservations of rights in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Canada, including the timeframes, laws and language insurers need to keep in mind. Order your copy today!
Non-Member price: 265.00 Discounted member price: 235.00
| 2013-04D |
 | Professional Liability Insurance: A Compendium of State Law
Over the past few decades, insurers have developed more and more different types of professional liability policies, and claims-made insurance policies have proliferated since they first began to be widely issued within the past 35 years or so. This has led to an enormous increase in the number of cases discussing professional liability and claims-made coverage issues, particularly over the past decade. For all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam and Canada (except for Quebec), Professional Liability Insurance Coverage: A Compendium of State Law summarizes significant case law and statutes concerning professional liability insurance and claims-made coverage issues. The Compendium also discusses "professional services exclusions," which are commonly found in general liability and homeowners' policies. The Compendium discusses policies issued to a wide variety of professionals, including physicians, dentists, psychologists and other health care professionals; attorneys and accountants; engineers, architects and other design professionals; insurance agents and brokers; real estate agents and other real estate professionals; and law enforcement officers and other public officials. The Compendium also discusses cases involving directors' and officers' liability policies, as well as employment practices liability policies. Insurance professionals and attorneys practicing in these areas will find the Compendium a valuable resource to consult whenever faced with coverage issues relating to professional liability and claims-made policies.
Non-Member price: 265.00 Discounted member price: 235.00
| 2012-06D |
 | Excess and Umbrella Insurance State-by-State Compendium
The DRI Excess and Umbrella Insurance State-by-State Compendium is a comprehensive guide designed to provide coverage counsel, attorneys defending insureds, insurers, and corporate counsel with an understanding of umbrella/excess insurance and related issues that can arise during litigation. It includes an in-depth, jurisdiction-specific examination of several critical areas, including whether and when an excess insurer must "drop down"; loss allocation; horizontal and vertical exhaustion; duties among primary and excess/umbrella insurers; duties to defend and to reimburse for defense costs; notice issues; notable case analyses; and much more.
Non-Member price: 210.00 Discounted member price: 180.00
| 2012-01D |
 | Exploring Property Insurance and Construction Law Issues
This latest title in the DRI Defense Library Series features articles written by defense attorneys who specialize in property insurance claims and coverage. The authors cover a variety of important topics, including: covered causes of loss and excluded perils; additional insured issues; first party property claims-best practices; property insurance fraud; appraisal strategies that work; and, the insurance claims "behind the headlines." In addition, two articles are included that focus on construction-related matters that have ramifications for property insurance. These relate to : Imported building materials (e.g., drywall); and management of "green building" risks. The publication concludes with a discussion of "value assurance programs" designed to compensate damaged real property owners.
Non-Member price: 145.00 Discounted member price: 115.00
| 2010-04D |
 | Unfair Insurance Practices: A Compendium of State Law: HC
This new publication in the Defense Library Series explores
insurance practices that are regulated by state statutes or administrative
codes. The chapters for each of the fifty states (plus the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands) are authored by leading
attorneys who specialize in insurance defense and coverage. Each chapter
focuses on approximately 25 issues, each accompanied by references to
applicable state statutes or administrative codes. Issues presented
include, for example: Misrepresentation of facts or policy provisions;
Failure to acknowledge and act promptly on claims communications; Failure to
adopt and implement reasonable standards for prompt investigation of claims;
Failure to affirm or deny coverage within a reasonable time after proof of
loss. This new guide will prove to be a must-have reference for insurance
carriers, claim representatives, and insurance defense and coverage counsel.
Non-Member price: 135.00 Discounted member price: 115.00
| 2008-03D |